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First Friday Art Night!
  This Month at Rogue Coffee Roasters


September, 2011

Karen O'Brien | Mike Williams
Mixed-up Media | Magical Himalayas

Greetings friends and family, First Friday is upon us once again and we are excited to share more local art and music. This Month we will be featuring Local Mixed Medium Artist Karen O’Brien. Karen likes to call her art an evolution of "mixed - up" media. Karen's work now includes mixed media acrylic painting, collage, assemblage pieces, teddy bears and dolls with a nostalgic, whimsical feel.

We will also have stunning photo work by Mike Williams who has traveled the world with his camera and has captured life in the magical Himalayas.

Providing the audio art for the night will be local group calling themselves “Mishkin”. Featuring a lead singing upright bassist, this group beautifully performs folk hits and originals.

Come support local living and celebrating at Rogue Coffee Roasters. We will be happily serving our community from 6-9pm.

Rogue Coffee Roasters
237 SW G Street


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* In Grants Pass, most "First Friday" art exhibits continue to be
  displayed all month long, so come back often and enjoy!

* More art next month too!

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