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First Friday Art Night!
  This Month at Nielsen Watercolors


September, 2011
(First Friday Art Night)

Student Exhibit

Once again, Nielsen Watercolors is proud to present an exciting display of student artwork. See how the students have used the techniques learned in class and applied them to their own original pieces of art.

Participating students include: Nancy Allison, Dorae Bowen, JoAnn Button, Joyce Cannon, Sharon Carter, Marcia Cottrell, Terri Currie, Dolores Dapkus, Dusty Friedman, Nancy Graham, Sherry Johnson, Connie King, Suzy Leatherman, Tonia Mahnken, Iva Moynihan, Elaine Mulrooney, Bill Owen, Barbara Payne, Lee Remedios, Karen Simpson, Jill Spilker, Judy Strode, Margaret Valvo, Marla Vidrinskas, Janice Barnes Webb, Mary Wineteer, Shelley Woodhouse and Marianne Nielsen.

Be sure to enjoy homemade cookies and take time to vote for your favorite painting.

Nielsen Watercolors
540 NE E St.



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* In Grants Pass, most "First Friday" art exhibits continue to be
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