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First Friday Art Night!
  Grants Pass' Roving Gallery Party & Art Walk

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First Friday ~ May, 2011

The Firehouse Gallery
214 SW Fourth Street

A Selection of Regional Artists
Mirrors: A Portrait Project

Several respected regional artists were invited to work in pairs to produce personal and individual interpretations of one another. Participating artists include Bruce Bayard, Eileen Bowie, Vince Carl, Kevin Christman, Ann DiSalvo, Dianne Erickson, Rebecca Gabriel, Jeff Gogue, Cindy Kahoun, Claudia Marchini, Nancy Jo Mullen, Curtis Otto, James Peace, Jo-Ann Pearce, Marcee Siemens, Will Storm, Zeno Thanes, and Phyllis Trowbridge.

First Friday only, across the hall in the Small Business Development Center: "Entrepreneur Art." Discover how these SBDC clients' creativity, imagination, and resourcefulness can turn a business idea into a functional artistic design.

Gallery One
229-B SW G St.

Yvonne Faulkner
featured artist

Yvonne comes from an art family; her mother was a water-colorist and her father an oil painter. A lifelong watercolorist herself, at present she calls Grants Pass her home and has exhibited at Gallery One since its beginning.

Grants Pass Museum of Art
229 SW G Street

Marcee Siemens
American Dweemz

Tapestry Art by Marcee Siemens. *****

Grants Pass Arts & Fair Trade
229-A SW G Street

Ken Sharrow
Oil canvases

Ken is a well-disciplined self-taught artist whose current work focuses on Asian Sampan families. Ken is also available for commission of custom portraits.

Please join us for light refreshments and music by Emily Nuckles on First Friday.

The Glass Forge
510 SW G Street

Joshua Morton
Drawing and Painting

Joshua's work is inspired by musicians and the energies they create.

40% off sale on all glass made by the Glass Forge, limited to glass in stock.

Rogue Coffee Roasters
237 SW G Street

Marcy Siemens
Tapestry Creations

First Friday silent auction and raffle to raise funds for "Relay for Life."

"The Key of Three" will be performing live music.

Also in house will be the beautiful woven tapestry creations of Marcy Siemens, and for one night only taste "Marcy's Madness" (a special blend of coffee).

Blondie's Bistro
226 SW G Street

Sharon Carter

Fine Food, Art, and Wine at Blondies.

Oregon Outpost
147 SW G Street


Tasty Samples & Complimentary Wine Tasting

Put the finishing touches on your Mothers' Day plans and let the Oregon Outpost help inspire your menu planning!

6th Street Coffee & Deli
208 SW 6th St

Kelly Brown
with music by Mark Fontaine & Ron Ferguson

In 2006 at the young age of 66 Kelly decided it was time for him to learn how to draw and paint. He became a student at the Southern Oregon Art Academy and has been enjoying the experience immensely.

The Kitchen Company
301 SE 6th St


Strawberry Shortcake

In celebration of Spring the Kitchen Company will be sampling out 2 different variations of strawberry shortcake, one made with nutmeg and he other with lemon zest; then, on top of each, fresh strawberries and whipped cream. Delicious!

As You Like It
331 NE 6th St

Justin Silva / Rebecca Pearson / Ruby
Three Artists and a Reggae Band!

The Family Jam Band will be playing Reggae originals plus songs by Halcyon.

On display will be the works of three local artists:

Justin Silva, a photographer specializing in portraits and events.

Rebecca Pearson and "Rut Recycled Underthings: Redesigned and Altered Apparel." Each piece is individually hand painted and/or dyed, and embellished with ribbons, lace, and vintage jewelry.

Ruby of Crinkle Doodle Studio, with tightly wound, whimsical, and colorful baskets created from recycled silk neckties and adorned with vintage jewelry.

Plaza Sewing & Vacuum
311 SE 6th St

Mystery Quilt Challenge
Quilts on display made by our customers!

The Rogue Brass Quintet will be playing music outside!

Elegance Lamps & Lighting
321 SE 6th St

Wine Tasting
Spring & Summer Sippers spite of our recent weather. There will be whites, pinks, reds, and a sparkling wine. A little something for everyone! $10 tasting fee.

Due to the Spring Wine Stroll happening on May 7th, the monthly beer tasting has been postponed to Saturday May 14th.

Knockout Dance & Fitness
111 SE G St

Lorina, Jolene, and Cassandra
Zumba Workshop Party

From 5:30 to 6:30 and again from 7:30 to 8:30. Great for beginners or Zumba enthusiasts looking to improve their skills. It's Mothers' Day weekend so bring your Mom, Wife, or Daughter! Prizes. One night only: 10% off all Zumba apparel.
The Boardroom
1867 Williams Hwy

Donna Walsh
Untitled Exhibit

A relaxing evening of food, music, and stunning artwork by internationally renowned artist Donna Walsh.
Music by guitarist Charlie Chase.
The Wiseman Gallery
3345 Redwood Highway

RCC Student Art Exhibit 2011

An exhibit of artwork created in this year's RCC art classes, including painting, ceramics, design, watercolor, sculpture, jewelry, metalsmithing, and drawing.

The RCC Community Education Art Show will be on display in the Annex from April 19 through May 12.

Open regular hours only.
Iguana Comics & Gifts
329 NE 6th St>

Sam Raycraft
Untitled Exhibit

"I am a senior at Grants Pass High School. I love doing art so I can see the finished result. I feel like I can create whole worlds and new ideas for the public's curiosity! Being able to show people what's in my mind and the odd things I can come up with, or how I feel with a pen and paint is something I love doing and don't plan on ever quitting." -Sam Raycraft

The Redwood Tower
306 NW 6th Street


Book Signing

Animal expert Ann Southcombe, whose newest book "A Wild Life: Healing Animals with an Open Mind and Loving Heart," shares true stories about her work in animal care and wildlife rehabilitation.
The Train Depot
577 NE F St

David E. Miller
Watercolor Paintings and Prints

Musical entertainment from 5 to 8 on First Friday, "Side by Side" (John and Anna Stevenson) back by popular demand!

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Musical Entertainment
Literary Event
Refreshments Served
Alcohol Served

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* In Grants Pass, most "First Friday" art exhibits continue to be
  displayed all month long, so come back often and enjoy!

* More art next month too!

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