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First Friday Art Night!
  This Month at The Wiseman Gallery


March, 2012
(February 29 - April 6)

Juried Exhibit
Where Do We Go From Here? The Shape of Things to Come

"Where do we go from here? The shape of things to come." February 29 - April 6 A juried exhibit that showcases contemporary art during Women's History Month. Exhibiting artists include Rita Alves, Whitney Bandel, Beth Blake, Mitsuko Brooks, Jessica Burke, Judy Cooperman, Cecily Culver, Kaitlynn Dooly, Roya Farassat, Terri Jordan, M. Murray Dix, Carol Radsprecher, Anita Savio, Suzanne Sawyer, Kat Schneck, Carrie Scozzaro, Margi Weir, Liz West and Kristen Woodward.

The Wiseman Gallery
3345 Redwood Highway


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* In Grants Pass, most "First Friday" art exhibits continue to be
  displayed all month long, so come back often and enjoy!

* More art next month too!

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