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First Friday Art Night!
  This Month at Iguana Comics & Gifts


November, 2012

Jeff Egli - Kurk Kasparian - Chris Tullis - Kenny Farmer - Dakota Egli - Cameron Innes
Jake Vian - Justin Hull - Arian Jaramillio - Haley Gogue

Iguana Comics will be displaying the finished comic books from our 24-Hour Comic Book day participants. Come and see what these awesome (some might say crazy) artists created...from start to finish in one 24 hour session...written, drawn, inked and lettered! Artists include Jeff Egli (Dutch Bros. Freedom Fighters, owner of Iguana Comics) Kurk Kasparian (Yuki the Destroyer), Chris Tullis (Southern Oregon Art Academy), Kenny Farmer (, Dakota Egli, Cameron Innes, Jake Vian, Justin Hull, Arial Jaramillo, and Haley Gogue. Comics will be available for purchase as well!

Iguana Comics & Gifts
329 NE 6th St>


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* In Grants Pass, most "First Friday" art exhibits continue to be
  displayed all month long, so come back often and enjoy!

* More art next month too!

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